Improving Independent Living

At Green Circle Garden, we believe that access to nature is essential for independent living. We understand that most gardens can often exclude individuals with disabilities, which is why we've created a space that is safe, accessible, and fun for everyone. Discover the joy of gardening in a welcoming environment that encourages creativity and social interaction, improving Independent living in retirement communities.

Making Retirement Communities more Inclusive

A Green Circle Accessible Garden can be a crucial addition to any retirement community, offering benefits for all ages. This creates opportunities for Seniors to socialize and plan together. An accessible garden can also offer unique learning experiences, such as hands-on gardening, arts and crafts. The addition of a Green Circle Garden to your retirement home can help create a more inclusive environment and promote social and emotional growth, physical activity, and sensory exploration. 

Sensory gardening for all ages

Green Circle Garden can offer numerous benefits, including enhancing the functionality of public spaces and promoting horticultural therapy and sensory gardening for all. Explore our image gallery showcasing Horticultural therapy in Senior living homes, nursing homes and Hospitals. Discover how we can help make your unused space more stimulating one with sensory gardening.

Contact us today to get started!